Sunday, November 19, 2006

My Mother

My Mom is engaged in dying right now. I wanted to post this pic,this is my fav picture of her,her graduation shot,I always told her she was a great beauty,why didn't I get that gene!. She would be totally embarrassed of me right now. I'm sorry. I miss her already. I may not be posting for awhile. Please join me in wishing her a safe journey.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

No. 19 Blogworld Road

Welcome to Blogworld Road!All of us bloggers decided we needed to live in the same neighborhood so we can party and enjoy everyone else's company! Ces,Ms Val and others have already moved in so I thought I'd better get down here before all the houses were gone!I'm just around the curve in No. 19,back in the field! All the shows on HGTV are always saying buy the worse house on the block and fix it up,so I picked this one!

It's the old asylum from way back before Blogworld became such a nice place! The road curves around the lake so even tho I am not right next door to everyone I can look across the corner of the lake and see Ces's Barn and Ms. Val's house. I can take the boat out and drop in on them anytime! The old asylum wasn't needed any more since because everyone is so happy now and I was able to pick it up for a song (my rendition of Cher's "If I Could Turn Back Time" sealed the deal)! I've got lots of work to do but now finally have room to put out the Fiesta collection! Each color can get it's own room now! I plan on having lots of parties this spring,little does everyone know that when they get here they will be handed a drink and a shovel! Lots of landscaping to be done!

Sunday, November 12, 2006


I wonder which color Fiesta vase would be appropriate?

This was an actual sign in Indy,it was up for a couple hours before someone finally stopped and told them how to spell the word "peonies"!

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Got stump?...

...from my friend I got the elephants from,I also got a Blood Banana tree to try to save and replant in the spring. Unfortunately when I said cut all the leaves off he went nuts with the machete and almost chopped the whole thing down! I dunno if this one will make it thru the winter but I'm gonna try!

Bananas.... my puny banana trees dug up and ready to store for the winter. I had HUGE ones last year but had a freak early freeze and lost all but one tiny little sprout that was protected by the weeds growing around it! This is what I got this year from that little sprout! Next year I will have some good trees!

Elephants on parade...

Went over to a friends house today and dug up some elephant ears to store over the winter. Can you beleive all this came from three bulbs! He never digs his bulbs up and stores the over-winter to replant in the spring,just buys new ones every year. Well when I found that out I just had to go raid his flower beds! There are some big suckas in here and I didn't dig all of them up! I should have elephants out the ying-yang next year!

Monday, October 23, 2006

Well,not totally over.....

The fall foliage is beautifu! This maple in my backyard out does itself every year!
And the mums are finally coming on strong! These guys are been kinda slow about doing anything but are making up for it now! I guess they just needed a cold slap to get their juices going!

The nuncia is finally putting out it's winter berries,the birds will eat well this winter!

However the tomatoes are looking a bit sickly!!!!(grin)

Saturday, October 21, 2006

The party's over...

This time of year is sooo sad,all my pretties are gone for the year. Now the real work begins,

gotta cut all this back,dig it up and store it for the winter!

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

The boys were over tonight...

....nuff said! Can't type tonight!

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Elvis stopped by today....

...and left me this CD!

There was a knock on the door this morning and when I peeked out I found Elvis standing on my front porch! Where is the National Enquirer when you need them?!
Actually it was Bruce Borders. Bruce is from a neighboring small town and he is an Elvis impersonator. He used to be the mayor of his town and bills his act as the Mayor of Rock n Roll! Now he has gone father in politics and is a member of the Indiana House of Representatives,so I guess you can now say that Elvis is in the House!!
I sold some things on eBay and it turned out Bruce was the buyer,he just stopped by to pick the items up and gave me the CD as a thank you gift!

Sunday, October 08, 2006

The Lime green car... a 1964 Ford Galaxie! Just goes to show I probably shouldn't blog while drinking! This Galaxie was awesome tho! I wish the actual color would come thru with the pix,it was eye-searing!

Had a brain fart...

...big time! This is the sherbert Buick!

The James Dean Run...

Of course there was more than Caddys there at the JD Run,I fell in love with this serbert-colored Buick....and there was a chicken there too!

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Back in the saddle again....

Well I'm back agin and have some catching up to do! A couple weekends ago a friend of mine and I went up to Fairmount Indiana to the annual James Dean festival and car show. Had a great time in spite of the weather which was drizzly and cold,then warm,then get the idea! How would be this Caddy for a real crusier!? Can you imagine trying to pull out of a blind intersection in this baby! And you could be your own back-seat driver!

Now this Caddy is more to my liking!

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Please stand by....

I have some stuff to deal with right now with my elderly parents,me and bro are tryiny to get things done,so I'm sorry I haven't been posting,have to get this stuff done.Hopefully it will get resolved soom so I can get back to my usually intering life my three fans have gotten used to reading!So for now just enjoy this pic!

Monday, September 25, 2006

Oh so busy...

So sorry to my three fans out there who faithfully read my blog! I have been really busy and haven't had a chance to post! Had a big string of looong shifts at work so when I got home I basically checked my mail,MG and then crashed! Did manage to have last Sunday off so Bruce and I made a trip to Washington (Ind) for their annual cruise/show. As usual it was a very nice show,lots of great cars and the park down there is beautiful! It has it's own lake that cuts thru the park with islands and fountains and all that stuff,all beautifully landscaped. I need to head back down at Xmas as they do up the whole park with lights and such,it is really cool!

As I said lots of really cool cars,even Christine's sister was there,all dolled up and puttin on the ritz!

Monday, September 18, 2006

I got a new piece.....

for the Porch (not what you were thinking,silly,if I had gotten a Piece the headline would have been in caps!!!!)
A friend of mine,Kathy,makes these chairs out of old doors and gave me this one for the Porch. I think it is pretty cool looking! I wish I was that clever and could look at an old door and see something like this! I haven't set it in place yet as I have to move some plants around and just haven't gotten to that yet. It's been much easier just sitting there,drinking beer, and admiring the plants instead of tackling it! Or maybe I'm just afraid to fight my way thru the jungle,Audry might be living in there!!!

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Another celebrity car?

Spotted what I thought was another famous vehicle there,the Clampett car! Upon closer inspection tho I noticed that it did not have Californy plates on it,but Kentucky. Was it possible that there was another celebrity there? Another famous person? Was it you,Christopher?!!!!

More fest....

At the farm fest there were huge displays of old equipment,this years focus was on John Deere.

There was also a small car show,how'd you like to drive this all the time?! It's a 1951 Crosley. Do you think the propeller makes it go faster???

I just know Jan and Cindy are around here somewhere!

Weekend of farm fun!

Took a trek over to a small town about 45 minutes from me this past weekend to their annual Fall Fest. Had a blast! This Fest concentrates on old farm equipment,steam engines and the old way of doing things. Got to watch them make apple cider,apple butter,saw logs,bale hay,make ice cream,woodwork and various other activities all without using electicity! Horse drawn machines,steam engines and just plain hard work makes you realize just how hard things were back then before you could just flip a switch and turn something on! They also had a huge flea market,saw some Fiesta but nothing I wanted. I was a bit disappointed they wouldn't let me on the Barrels of Fun kiddie ride!

Thursday, September 07, 2006

It's amazing....

....what you can find on the web if you will just go search! I just found out that my bromeliad is an Aechmea Fasciata,also know as the Urn Plant and the Silver vase Plant! The top phto shows a close-up of the bract spike and the tiny flowers. The lower pic is of a different bromeliad but is similar and shows how the spike comes up out of the middle of the plant.

For Ces......

This is the plant Ces asked if it was donkey ear plant. I have never heard of one but they sound interesting! If anyone has a link to show me one,post it! This is a bromeliad aechema but I don't know for sure which one,there seems to be hundreds of aechmeas! It sends up a big pink spikey ball with tiny blue flowers on it about every two years. After it blooms,it sends up "pups" (baby plants) beside it and the parent plant dies. You can see the pups are getting big on this one and the parents are dying,it bloomed this spring. I have had this plant (or rather it's offspring) for over 6 years now and every other year it has bloomed.
That's Homer there keeping an eye on everything!

Monday, September 04, 2006

This Old House....

...just ain't what she used to be! This is the home where I grew up in. My parents got a modular and placed it in the field next to it and the old place has really fell apart in the last few years. There is still stuff in there we are slowly getting out but the going is shakey,the floors are falling in,the ceiling coming down,etc. The old girl has got to be torn down this year. I am sad about that,but she is too unsafe to leave standing. It almost seems my childhood is being wiped out,the hospital where I was born has been razed,my old high school torn down and now my childhood home is next on the list. When I get rich and famous there will be no place to preserve in honor of me! I guess they will just have to restore the house I currently live in with a plaque out in front...."Papa Lived Here!"

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

In the Big House...

I can't believe I spent a year in the Hoosgow now! It seems just yesterday that I started this job and this week is my one year anniversary there! Time flies in the Pokey (at least it does when you get to go home each night and not back to a cell with a bunkie nammed Bubba!!!!)

Easy come.Easy go.......

Snagged this really cool looking victorian iron stand for my porch recently. It never made it! I set it out in the driveway to wash it off and mom & dad came by. Mom loved it and wants it for her house! So off to mom's it goes! Sigh. At least I get to visit it!

Sunday, August 27, 2006


...while cruising thru that small town looking for shops and auctions,for some reason or another this shop caught my eye while driving by at about 50 mph,hmmmm,I wonder why!

Saturday, August 26, 2006


Went auctioning with a friend today. The first one that we hit,that we had found listed on-line,was a real bust,nothing but junk very creatively decribed in the sale bill! So we went out crusing thru small towns looking for shops the browse. Along the way we spotted and auction sign,followed a narrow road forever and found this auction. A good old-fashioned estate sale! Lots of goodies to look at!
Wagons loaded down with boxes and boxes of stuff,old tools,crocks,rusted things,you know,cool stuff!

The only thing I did by was this funky looking oil lamp! Ugly to some people,neat to me!

All in all a great auction to attend,woth the drive to find it!

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

They are joining forces.....

The houseplants and the yard plants are joining together! When they get strong enough they are going to attack! See how the Wandering Jew,the Heart Ivy and the Arrowhead vine are combining forces with the ground Ivy and the Morning Glories! It's all in their plan! (see below post)

I think I am in danger.....

...of being swallowed up by my garden! I knew this would happen one of these days,the plants are creeping up onto the porch! Anyone remember the SK film "Creepshow"? Especially the segment called "Weeds"? That's gonna happen to me! One of these days I'm gonna be lazing around drunk on the porch and the plants are going to come up and swallow me up!

Thursday, August 17, 2006

puddy tats....

My boys are such a joy....sometimes! Then other times They are a real pain in the ass! Had to rescue Harle out of the tree today. I know damn well the little sucker could've got down own his own but got tired of the pitiful "meows" that were directed at me while I was working in the yard! So I relented and rescued his happy ass!

And then there's Homer! You think you get a bad reaction when you wake your spouse up in the middle of a nap! Teeth!!!!