Sunday, January 10, 2010

I'm gonna do it this time...

I'm gonna quit smoking! I have to, money wise and health wise...Wish me luck!

I just flushed the remaining cigs in my pack down the toilet that way I won't automaticaly light one up first thing in the morning.

Of course this will affect my beer drinking but that is something else I have to slow down on...

But it won't affect my popcorn habit! Gonna go pop a bag in the micro and watch some vid of the TV version of the Posidon Adventure!


  1. Anonymous5:46 AM

    You can do it Papa. I've been smoke free for about 14 years now. It's hard, but the rewards are worth the battle. Hard candy is good, a straw to have in your mouth, find substitutes.

    Kelly K

  2. I know you can do it Papa!!! It will be worth it in the end!!! If you need help, just imagine all the Fiesta you could buy instead! :)
